Collateral Benefits Publishes Voices of African Womxn.
It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound effect on the lives of women around the world. Melinda Gates, in a recent article for Foreign Affairs, says,
“Every day brings new examples of the ways in which women are being left behind by the world’s response to the pandemic.” In the same article she provides us hope, saying, “This is how we can emerge from the pandemic in all of its dimensions: by recognizing that women are not just victims of a broken world; they can be architects of a better one.”
The 40 women recently featured in a new perspective paper, Voices of African Womxn, from Collateral Benefits are doing just that, using their voices to build a better future.
Collateral Benefits is a platform that aims to lift up the voices of African and Afro-descendant people from all walks of life to include African voices in the larger global conversation. In this edition, women from around the world shared their perspectives on themes from justice and gender-based violence to race, racism, belonging, innovation, technology, and science.
I was honored to be included in this project among voices like this one:
Speaking on the paper Lead Editor, Sarah Owusu says,
“The pandemic pressure cooker brought to the surface so many issues and inequalities that we have faced for too long. It has called into question many of our assumptions about how the world has to be, allowing us to find opportunity spaces that were not possible before.”
You can read more about the work of Collateral Benefits here and read select excerpts in this Special Edition of New African Magazine.